Stok: Kosong
SKU : 210016
  • Kondisi : Baru
  • Kategori : AC
  • Dimensi (PxxLxT cm) : 72 x 20 x 29
  • Berat (kg) : 26
  • Spesifikasi
    - BTU/h 4800
    - Konsumsi Daya 350 W
    - Freon R32
    - Dimensi (Indoor/ Outdoor) 870*365*270 mm/ 795*505*345 mm
    - Berat 30Kg
    - Garansi 1 Tahun Part, 3 Tahun Kompresor

  • Fitur
    - Cool a whole room rapidly and effectively. Fast Cooling mode operates with the fastest fan speed, before slowing down.
    - HD Filter, Make sure that the air you breathe is always clean and fresh. The HD Filter is really effective at capturing dust, airborne contaminants and allergens, such as pollen, mold spores and pet dander
    - joy a great night’s sleep – every night! Good Sleep mode automatically controls and fine-tunes the temperature
    - 2-Way Auto Swing, Create a comfortable environment with an even temperature in every corner
    - DuraFin+, Stay comfortably cool for much longer. The DuraFin+ is made of corrosion-resistant material to protect the condenser from rusting

Additional features
Value 1 21 cm
Value 2 700 gr.
Value 3 10 person
Value 4 14 cm
Value 5 plastic

Produk Baru

Gratis Kirim

Untuk area Solo dan sekitarnya*


Barang kami bergaransi resmi

0271 - 645593

Informasi dan Konsultasi